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Maker Moments

Each morning this summer we've been grabbing our watercolors, sharpies and paper and 'drawing what we see.' This tradition has become our Maker Moment. It's a 15 minute low pressure routine that reminds our family to be confident about the way we see the world, to explore materials and feel a little flow.

The most important part of this for us has been that I've been drawing too. This activity hasn't been for my kids but for our family. It's a chance for me to dust off my drawing skills and explore watercolor for the first time in YIKES! over 20 years. It's something the kids and I can do together, there's no pressure to draw something 'good' and we just get some time to sit and create together. Give it a try.

Get started materials:

A cheap watercolor set

Cup of water

Thick Paper

Black marker

OR use whatever supplies are of interest to you at the moment! (Dig up the broken crayons and play!)

Get started Prompt:

Draw what you see.


Remind kids and yourself that this is just a drawing exercise- not for public display. You are making for yourselves and it is meant to be fun and freeing.

Avoid tutorials or critiques- just be playful with the world around you.


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